"Children of Men" director Alfonso Cuaron Gravity new film might as well be labeled good, "The Tale of the main character change" if reports that today Cuaron and Warner Bros. have conversations with Sandra Bullock started surface, take over the role of large eyes.
Sandra Bullock is at least the sixth actress who was considered for the cover story in this space about isolation and loneliness. Robert Downey Jr. has already signed the picture, but his role is much smaller. The main character is a woman astronaut who finds himself the only survivor of a disaster in space. This story tries to desperately to return to Earth to return to the girl.
Bullock was not the first choice of CuarĂ³n, and even the fourth choice, but it could make a blockbuster with him because it was his first role since winning an Oscar for The Blind Side and deal with the publicity of his very public divorce from Jesse James.
"Gravity" was first used as a vehicle for Angelina Jolie developed, but if the studio would not pay his fees requested $ 20,000,000 have begun to look elsewhere. They saw an Oscar Marion Cotillard and tested the screen Scarlett Johansson and Blake Lively (Gossip Girl fame), before returning to Nice. When it became clear they would not be pretty, they shifted their gaze to Natalie Portman. Portman has a lot of positive sums for his role in the upcoming Darren Aronofsky directing was Black Swan. She said he began talks with the studio, but the negotiations broke down when the studio is now passed on Sandra Bullock.
are "Gravity" shot in 3-D and the reputation Cuaron to collect some very impressive visual combination of technology, Sandra Bullock and Robert Downey Jr. was a hell of a movie to make. Just hope that everyone has not given up with the film because the script sucked.
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