Bollywood bad man Gulshan Grover will now appear in the Hollywood film The Driver. Who with the sultry Salma Hayek Latino face in the film. The film will be shown by Hollywood Biggie Bill Duke, the best work in films, like A Rage in Harlem, Hoodlum, Sister Act 2 to send and not easily broken. The movie star will be happy.
Buzz up! Gulshan met Bill at a charity event in Los Angeles, where it proposed to the movie script was read. Bill was looking for an actor of versatility and experience and Gulshan fits their needs.
Gulshan Grover will act with a number of Hollywood stars. The film's story is hope. Gulshan plays the role of an accountant in the film. The character in the movie decides to renounce his worldly life and follow his dreams. He begins his journey with his wife, played by Salma. On the way he meets people inspired and shocked him. Other characters in the film is played by Will Smith, Janet Jackson, Queen Latifa, Whoopie Goldberg and many other famous comedians is a guest to play with her.
It really is a big ticket in Hollywood for Gulshan Grover, but the actor has many Hollywood companies like other prisoners of the sun, Nephilim, British honor killing and image can also in Indo-French cooperation are seen signed, the title I'm Kalam.
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